Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Year In, Year Out

He died a v!rgin in the end
since they never named a year after
Hormones, $ex or losing things.

آخرش هم ويـرجـين از دنيا رفت
فقط براي اينكه هيچ سالي رو سالِ
.هورمون، سـ كس و يا از دست دادن نامگذاري نكردن

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Green as Blood

Spring is a season in which eveything turns green & (BANG)

(بهار فصليه كه همه چي سبز (بنگ

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Damage Control

Am used to you not saying sorry
but when you do, thats when I freak out!

به ببخشيد نگفتنات عادت كردم
.ولي وقتي عذر ميخواي، واقــعـاً ميترسم

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Year Inequality

You should only wish some people a happy new year
but everyone happy new nights.
نوروز روبه بعضيها فقط بايد تبريك گفت
.نوشب رو به همه

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Its the Plot not the Cast!

& everytime you unveil another balck-n-red-cover movie,
with your eyelids darker than to be covered with your Dior powder,
swear to all the things you either don't belive in or
on head of those you want dead, that this is the scariest ever.
The me today & the you a few years later say the "Really?" out loud & conceal our smirks.
The most horrific movie ever-made, in-the-making or ever-to-be-made
is marriage.

و هر بار يكي از اين فيلماي سياه و قرمز جلد، رو ميكني
،Dior با زير چشمهايي سياه تر از قدرت كرم پودر
قسم به جون تموم چيزايي ميخوري كه يا قبولشون نداري
.يا اونايي كه ميخواي سر به تنشون نباشه كه اين ديگه ترسناكترينشونه
.من امروز و توي چند سالي آينده تر "جداً؟" رو بيان ميكنيم و پوزخند و پنهان
ترسناكترين فيلمي كه تا حالا ساخته شده، در حال ساخته و امكان داره ساخته بشه

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.

Pink Floyd - Gunner's dream

جايي كه قهرماناي قديم با امنيت تو خيابونا قدم ميزنن

جايي كه ميتوني با صراحت در مورد ترديدها و ترسهات حرف بزني

و از اون مهمتر، هيچ كس هيچوقت ناپديد نميشه

هيچوقت مسائل روزمرشون تو زندگي تو وارد نميشه

ميتوني در هر دو طرف طيف آسوده باشي

و روانيها با كنترل از راه دور نوازنده ها رو سوراخ سوراخ نميكنن

و همه ميتونن به قانون متوسل بشن

و هيچكس بچه ها رو ديگه نميكشه

و هيچكس بچه ها رو ديگه نميكشه

Friday, March 12, 2010

Porous Ozone

I dreamt that you threw your marriage bouquet backwards in the graveyard
& I jump over the many standing above & lying under the ground
to collect your bouquet for your own second marriage.

خواب ديدم دست گل عروسيت رو تو قبرستون پرت كردي عقب
و من روي سر ايستاده هاي روي زمين و خوابيده هاي زيرش پريدم
.تا اون رو براي عروسي بعديت براي خودت بگيرم

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Heaven is... (3)

+ Heaven or Hell son?
- Wherever there are no cell phones.

جهنم يا بهشت؟ +
.هر كدوم كه موبايل توش نباشه -

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Justice for all

Adam & Eve were drinking the forbidden Sundis* apple juice
God caught them on CCTV & forgave them for the apple part
but since it was Sundis, he expelled them from heaven.
*Sundis: An Iranian company producing fruit juice & infamous for its free give aways during governmental fake demonstrations.

آدم و حوا داشتن سانديس ممنوعه سيب ميخوردن
خدا تو تلويزيوناي مدار بسته ديدشون و از سيب بودنش گذشت
.ولي بخاطر سانديس بودنش، از بهشت بيرونشون كرد

Friday, March 05, 2010

Selective Alzheimerism

They had promissed to bring oil money into our lives.
They have given us Victoria ( a soap opera) instead.

قرار بود پول نفت بياد سر سفره هامون
.به جاش ويكتوريا رو وارد سفره هامون كردن

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Sad World

Was it the revolutionary towards their own revolution
or neighbors to neighbors
or even teenagers' ph@llus to their own hands
who became aliens to one another first? I got no clue.
The fact is in modern life we are just getting used to this alienation thingy.

نميدونم اول انقلابيون با انقلابشون بودن
يا همسايه ها با هم
.و يا آلــت پسركان نوبالغ با دستشون كه با هم بيگانه شدن
.موضوع اينه كه اينروزا با بيگانه شدن به شدت انس گرفتيم